Virtual Office

01488 639 867

A friendly, flexible, cost effective and efficient service


I set up The Virtual Office on the Downs in West Berkshire to offer a Virtual Assistant service to companies or individuals who would prefer to outsource some of their secretarial, administrative or research work. This leaves them more time to concentrate on what they do best - building their own business.

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A Virtual Assistant is a self employed, professional assistant who can provide the secretarial services you require for your business, but from her own office rather than yours. She will work with you, as a member of your team, to present the most efficient service to your customers, undertaking a wide range of tasks from diary and task management, through documentation production to travel and meeting organisation, producing letters, invoices, PowerPoint presentations etc along the way, always presenting the friendly and efficient face of your business to your clients.

A VA can be an especially important part of your business in the current economic climate, when downsizing staff, or postponing the commitment of employing additional permanent staff, without losing business efficiency, could impact positively on your viability. It is often more cost effective to outsource secretarial duties to a professional than to do it yourself.

Work can be carried out on an ad hoc or regular basis as suits your business model.

© Copyright The Virtual Office 2009